Saturday, November 12, 2011
be well (and laugh)
Dealing with a chronic illness is constantly frustrating and difficult - often times I feel stress over things that people never think about. To combat this overwhelming nature to illness I try to find time to have some fun with it. With that said, I discovered a tumblr (blog) called the chronic illness cat - that makes fun of things that we deal with everyday - my PIDD and chronically ill friends enjoy reading these and I thought I would post a few since they make me giggle!
hehe. find more at chroniclyillcat.tumblr
Sunday, October 23, 2011
be well (healing places)
I found this image on a blog that I follow and thought it was cute and true. I think we can all find healing in these places, physically or mentally. Just a reminder to take a break from life and sit outside!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
be well (almond flour)
Let me start out by saying that almond flour is my life line - I use it every single day. I use it as an alternative to wheat and rice flour since my diet is so strict but the more I learn about it, the more I think everyone should use it in their diet! First of all, it is incredibly tasty. Secondly, it is so full of nutrients (especially when compared to white flour) - in just one cup there is 21 grams of protein, 12 g of fiber, 728 mg of potassium, 474 mg of phosphorus, 275 mg of magnesium and it is packed full of beneficial amino acids - plus it's low in carbohydrates and low in sugars! Almonds have also been said to keep blood sugar stable, help keep food flowing through your colon easily, improves complexion and even help prevent some cancers. Antioxidants galore! How could you possible go wrong?! Besides it being a little expensive for a one pound bag but I recently was sent to a website called Lucy's Kitchen and ordered my first 5 lb bag of almond flour - even with shipping I saved over half of what I would've spent in stores. Immediately when it got here I started baking and cooking like crazy and let me tell you - this stuff is so good. The best almond flour I've had so far, hands down! So, if you ever decide you want to add some protein to your pancakes please check out this website: /www.lucyskitchenshop.com/
*One last thing, if you do buy some almond flour I would suggest putting it in glass jars and putting one in the fridge for immediate use and the rest in the freezer. It's not necessary, the flour won't go bad and most people probably keep it in their cupboards but I've heard from others and seen a difference myself that it tastes fresher!
Side note: I'm going to try to post a lot more on this blog and hopefully there will be more recipes for ya'll to try - or if you're near by then come on over and try something new and delicious!
Hope you're all having a good day! Go out and snack on some almonds!
almond flour,
lucy's kitche,
Sunday, October 2, 2011
be well (pancakes)
Hi everyone! I want to share a very easy and delicious recipe with all of you - banana pancakes. Since I am on the SCD diet the use of flour is a no-no which means these pancakes are actually good for you and full of protein. I make these when I have an early class because it helps me get going in the morning and the sweet taste is a nice change from scrambled eggs.
Banana Pancakes
First, mush up a banana with a fork in a bowl - get it as mushy as you can.
Then crack two eggs in the bowl and mix thoroughly.
Add a drop of vanilla and a dash of cinnamon
fry up like you would a regular pancake.
Add butter and honey when finished and you have a fast and delicious breakfast!
*For those of you who don't like bananas you can substitute an apple - this takes a little more work and requires a food processor or blender but is still delicious and reminds me of fall.
*One last tip - if the honey is too sweet for you then add a spoonful of almond butter on top and you won't be let down!
Banana Pancakes
First, mush up a banana with a fork in a bowl - get it as mushy as you can.
Then crack two eggs in the bowl and mix thoroughly.
Add a drop of vanilla and a dash of cinnamon
fry up like you would a regular pancake.
Add butter and honey when finished and you have a fast and delicious breakfast!
*For those of you who don't like bananas you can substitute an apple - this takes a little more work and requires a food processor or blender but is still delicious and reminds me of fall.
*One last tip - if the honey is too sweet for you then add a spoonful of almond butter on top and you won't be let down!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Real Life
I'm so sorry that I am so behind on my blog! I can't believe it's already the end of September and that I have successfully completed 17 sub-Q injections. I'm starting to feel like a pro. On top of that, there have been some big changes! I'm living in an apartment in Athens and am taking a few classes to try to get back into a routine. I've been moved in for a three weeks now and it still feels like it's all a dream. I must say that doing things by myself is incredibly rewarding and incredibly exhausting. It's really nice to go to class though and to do homework and get my brain working again. It's refreshing. I'm only committed to a few months on my lease so that I can take everything a quarter at a time. I'm really nervous about flu season coming around the corner, but I'm hoping that my infusions will give me a boost.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Decisions Decisions!
This past Tuesday marked my sixth Sub-Q infusion which went really well and was the first of a new five day regime. John now knows how to do all the record keeping during an infusion and has become my official secretary. Here is a picture of us at work:
After my infusion this week my Mom, John and I made a quick one day trip to Athens, OH to get things squared away before the school year begins. I met with the Dean of the COMS department, who was so sweet and helpful, but I left his office with a lot to think about! I am still overwhelmed with all of the decisions I need to make about school. Things like how many hours to take; to keep my major or switch to something else (COMS is great but it means lots of interacting with a class which could be tough on my body); making sure I feel comfortable, safe and clean doing my infusions in my house; can I depend on someone to be with me during my infusions to make sure nothing serious goes wrong; can I keep my space germ free; and the list goes on and on. I know that I have to keep my health in mind when making the best decision for my future but it really puts a lot things on the table! Oye-Vay!
As if that's not enough going on, I picked up a bit of a bug in Athens and am sick sick sick today. Tossed and turned all of last night with coughing, congestion and a fever. Today my skin hurts and I feel extremely flu-like. Luckily I do an infusion this evening so hopefully that will give my immune system a boost! I've never done an infusion while being sick... I hope there won't be any side effects.
As if that's not enough going on, I picked up a bit of a bug in Athens and am sick sick sick today. Tossed and turned all of last night with coughing, congestion and a fever. Today my skin hurts and I feel extremely flu-like. Luckily I do an infusion this evening so hopefully that will give my immune system a boost! I've never done an infusion while being sick... I hope there won't be any side effects.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Sub Q #4 & #5
I have successfully completed two more Sub Q infusions since I've been on the blog. Number 4 was done with the help of my little cousin Grace and my aunt Marybeth and Uncle Dix. Number 5 was done with my Canadian Aunt Cros and it was the best infusion so far! Here are some pictures:
(Here is Grace being very patient and observant as I start my infusion!)
(After I started the infusion she came over and touched the spots on my stomach -
She is so smart and was very sweet and curious through the whole thing.)
(Here is my Aunt Cros with me while I do my infusion)
Other news: I met with the immunologist last week and she wants me to do infusions every 5 days now! Although this seems like a hassle it will boost my antibodies faster and get me on the road to recovery as soon as possible. Over all I can certainly see improvements in my day to day health. :)
Sunday, July 17, 2011
What Are you Grateful For?
With so much going on in my life - and in all of our lives - it has been hard to take a moment to appreciate this wonderful world we live in. I follow several other blogs and found a post the other day about being grateful (on a blog appropriately called: Operation Nice) and how it improves your health. I wanted to look into this some more and see if being grateful actually had an affect on wellness. It turns out there are several different studies that have proved that being grateful leads to a healthier and happier life. In fact, people who are grateful tend to live longer! "Research shows that simply focusing each day on three to five things for which you can be grateful will increase your health and happiness. Everyone has something to be grateful for."
Being grateful also allows people to defeat what psychologists call the "negativity bias"—the natural tendency to dwell on problems, annoyances and injustices rather than positive events. An article done in 2010 (Thank you. No, Thank You) discusses this in further detail and says that focusing on blessings from a young age can help ward off depression later on in life. The article also provides some cute graphics and even a "how grateful are you quiz" - I think that my new goal is to keep a "gratitude journal" and write a few things down each day that I am thankful for. It may provide a little bit of good energy when I'm feeling blue.
I hope you take a look at this article, or at least take a minute today to be grateful for something or someone! If you want, feel free to share them with me - I would love to hear them!
Sub-Q #3
I did my third Sub-Q infusion this past Friday and this time without a nurse! I did it on my own and I must say it went pretty well! I spiked a fever during treatment, which has been normal but other than that I was successful. I pushed myself a little bit yesterday at a family get together though and I am paying the price today. Too much sunshine and activity for the day after an infusion is bad news. Hopefully tomorrow I will be up to par again. Until then I will continue to sleep the day away.
(Here is a picture of my little cousin and my grandpa catching
fish out of the pond yesterday - She is certainly Grandpa's girl)
Thursday, July 14, 2011
(and laugh)
Feeling a little heavy today- almost like I can feel my antibody levels declining. I'm trying to keep my mind moving since my body needs to lay low and I found this while I was searching on CNN. Boy, did it really make my day! Hope it makes you laugh! Enjoy!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Sub-Q #2
Yesterday was my second Sub-Q injection! The day before the injection I started feeling really crummy - I had a fever of 101 with a horrible headache and fatigue. I tried to sleep it off but the morning of the injection my body was still a mess. We did the injection around 1pm and during it my fever got worse and I had to lay around with ice on all day! The nurse thinks this could be my body fighting off infections and I could feel like this the day of an injection for a few weeks. I almost did the whole thing by myself though which was exciting - the nurse supervised but then said I was good to go from now on - on my own!! My mom, Susan and John were all there and they video taped a little bit for me. I did my best to make a short little video to show you about preparing for the injection and getting everything ready! I don't know too much about making videos so bear with me but I hope it helps you understand what my Friday's are going to be like from now on! Also, if you don't like needles then you might want to close your eyes at the end!!
P.S. the video looks a little grainy - I don't think the blog website was able to upload in HD. I'll work on that though! Sorry!
P.S. the video looks a little grainy - I don't think the blog website was able to upload in HD. I'll work on that though! Sorry!
Phoenix Dust Storm!
I just looked up the dust storm that hit phoenix earlier this week! Holy Toledo! We are so lucky the conference wasn't a week later! If you haven't seen video of it yet - check it out! It literally looks like it's the end of the world!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
HBOT Success Story
I received an email from Sara's Garden yesterday (the place where I did my Hyperbaric Oxygen Tretment aka HBOT) about an amazing recovery! Apparently a woman in the Toledo area, with four kids, suffered from hypoxia after a mix up of medications at the hospital. Her oxygen level dropped to an extremely low level and left her unable to speak in whole sentences and she had little memory of who her family was. Her husband was desperate to find answers, after doctors told him there was nothing they could do, so he turned to Sara's Garden for help. After only 8 treatments she is talking and can remember everything! Truly amazing.
Link to the full article: Hollywood Comedy Becomes a Reality
Please keep HBOT in mind for people recovering from strokes, hypoxia or other brain injuries. Oxygen is an amazing thing. You can find more information and links on the HBOT tab up above.
Link to the full article: Hollywood Comedy Becomes a Reality
Please keep HBOT in mind for people recovering from strokes, hypoxia or other brain injuries. Oxygen is an amazing thing. You can find more information and links on the HBOT tab up above.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Update about Sub-Q #1
It's been four days since we did my first ever sub-Q infusion and I am doing pretty well! I have had a fever since the infusion and a mild headache that comes and goes but it is all bearable! I have also been sleeping non-stop which has felt great! I would certainly call this a success! So happy and excited to do my next one on Friday! I'll take some videos for you so you can see what the infusion is all about!
(Another picture from infusion this past Friday!)
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy 4th of July!!!

Wish I had a pair of these patriotic shoes!! :) haha
Hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend!!!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Sub-Q Treatment #1
Yesterday was my first sub-Q infusion (aka SCIG) and I wanted to let you all know how it went.
A nurse came to the house at lunch time and we went over all of the steps to the infusion and then we got started! I was incredibly nervous (especially after the reaction I had last time) so I had a few emotional moments but everyone was texting and calling me with support which was so helpful!! Anyway, we loaded up the syringe with Ig and attached all the tubing and then it was time to insert the needles. We had to insert 4 needles into my abdomen and the nurse did the first one but I insisted on doing the rest. We taped the needles in place, put the syringe into a pump, turned it on and that was that! The infusion took about an hour and a half and felt a little funny but nothing I didn't expect. My friend Taylor (Victor) came over and sat and watched movies with me while I infused. When the infusion ended we took the needles out and I had little bumps on my stomach where the Ig hadn't been absorbed yet (that's the nice thing about Sub-Q, it only absorbs as fast as your body allows).
Once the nurse left I started to feel a little sleepy and flu- like. My temperature started to rise so I loaded up on calcium and magnesium and drank a ton of fluids. Taylor and I napped on the couch and I ended up sleeping for the rest of the day. Today I woke up, still feeling flu like and feverish but nothing as horrible as last time! I am thrilled! My stomach has a tiny bruise (only one) but there was no site reactions. Hopefully after another day of rest my fever will go away and I'll feel okay again. I'll continue to do infusions every Friday and it should get easier everytime. I won't have "normal" levels of antibodies for another 6 months but this is still a step in the right direction (and six months doesn't sound so long)!
Also, next infusion I'll take a video for you guys but yesterday I was too stressed out to do it!
Here are some pictures:
A nurse came to the house at lunch time and we went over all of the steps to the infusion and then we got started! I was incredibly nervous (especially after the reaction I had last time) so I had a few emotional moments but everyone was texting and calling me with support which was so helpful!! Anyway, we loaded up the syringe with Ig and attached all the tubing and then it was time to insert the needles. We had to insert 4 needles into my abdomen and the nurse did the first one but I insisted on doing the rest. We taped the needles in place, put the syringe into a pump, turned it on and that was that! The infusion took about an hour and a half and felt a little funny but nothing I didn't expect. My friend Taylor (Victor) came over and sat and watched movies with me while I infused. When the infusion ended we took the needles out and I had little bumps on my stomach where the Ig hadn't been absorbed yet (that's the nice thing about Sub-Q, it only absorbs as fast as your body allows).
Once the nurse left I started to feel a little sleepy and flu- like. My temperature started to rise so I loaded up on calcium and magnesium and drank a ton of fluids. Taylor and I napped on the couch and I ended up sleeping for the rest of the day. Today I woke up, still feeling flu like and feverish but nothing as horrible as last time! I am thrilled! My stomach has a tiny bruise (only one) but there was no site reactions. Hopefully after another day of rest my fever will go away and I'll feel okay again. I'll continue to do infusions every Friday and it should get easier everytime. I won't have "normal" levels of antibodies for another 6 months but this is still a step in the right direction (and six months doesn't sound so long)!
Also, next infusion I'll take a video for you guys but yesterday I was too stressed out to do it!
Here are some pictures:
(Here I am learning to fill my syringe)
(Here are the 4 infusion sites in my abdomen and my pump!)
(Taylor and I enjoying almond flour pancakes while infusing!)
(It's hard to see but after the infusion I had bumps on my stomach)
(and laugh)
Yesterday I was feeling so nervous about the infusion that I started going through things on YouTube that always make me laugh. I found this video of a sloth sanctuary (that I've watched 100 times) and thought you guys might get a kick out of it too.
Than after clicking around I found the blog that goes with this video - it gives all of those cute sloth faces a name! They're adorable and now I want a sloth for a pet! :)
(Buttercup is my favorite!)
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wish Me Luck!
I'm starting sub-Q infusions tomorrow (at home) and I am so anxious/nervous/excited. Sub-Q means that I'm going to place small needles in fatty parts of my body (hips, thighs or stomach are the common places) and then I'll infuse the Ig product (very small amount) through 4 to 6 different spots! Once I start I'll have to do these infusions every week for the rest of my life, or until they come up with some new science. I'll try to take lots of pictures so you can all see my fun new equipment and what not - I hope the side effects with this product (Hizentra) will be minimal! Send me positive thoughts this weekend and I will do my best to keep you all updated!
Here is a picture of what my kit will look like - I was lucky enough to play with all these things at the conference so there won't be too many surprises tomorrow!
Here is a picture of what my kit will look like - I was lucky enough to play with all these things at the conference so there won't be too many surprises tomorrow!
IDF - Phoenix, AZ
We have so much catching up to do! I don't even know where to start.
The most important thing to share is that I went to Arizona this past week for the National Immunodeficiency Foundation Conference which was amazing and overwhelming all at once. There were about 800 people who attended and we spent three days with the best immunologists from Johns Hopkins, Cleveland Clinic, Children's Hospital in Philadelphia, Mayo Clinic and many more. On top of that I got to meet hundreds of people who have PIDD and we got to share stories, compare symptoms and discuss treatment options. Most of the people at the conference have been doing treatment (IVIG or SCIG) for years and were so helpful in easing my anxiety about starting back up. We learned loads of information about the different IgG products, how they're made, what is put in them as a base, etc etc and how all of that can affect the body in different ways. Of course I wasn't surprised to find out that the IV product I used back in April was one high in sugar and had a history of severe side effects (what was my doctor thinking?) but it was a relief to know that the product I'm going to start is one of the easiest on the body! Ready to get rolling!
The most important thing to share is that I went to Arizona this past week for the National Immunodeficiency Foundation Conference which was amazing and overwhelming all at once. There were about 800 people who attended and we spent three days with the best immunologists from Johns Hopkins, Cleveland Clinic, Children's Hospital in Philadelphia, Mayo Clinic and many more. On top of that I got to meet hundreds of people who have PIDD and we got to share stories, compare symptoms and discuss treatment options. Most of the people at the conference have been doing treatment (IVIG or SCIG) for years and were so helpful in easing my anxiety about starting back up. We learned loads of information about the different IgG products, how they're made, what is put in them as a base, etc etc and how all of that can affect the body in different ways. Of course I wasn't surprised to find out that the IV product I used back in April was one high in sugar and had a history of severe side effects (what was my doctor thinking?) but it was a relief to know that the product I'm going to start is one of the easiest on the body! Ready to get rolling!
(Mom and I at the IDF Zebra Dinner)
(Igi the IVIG bear and me in the Baxter Castle!)
(Jamie, Colin and I - made so many new friends)
(The average temperature of Phoenix while we were there! So hot!)
Michael Buble!
Mom, Sue and I went and saw Michael Buble about two weeks ago!
The crowd was all different ages and it was really a lot of fun!
Here are some pictures of us at the show:
The crowd was all different ages and it was really a lot of fun!
Here are some pictures of us at the show:
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
(and laugh)
In April I saw this story on ABC news and was just thinking about it and wanted to share with all of you. It is a Preschool in Washington that is completely outdoors and they get to play in the mud all day and just learn things about nature! What a wonderful way to spend your days when you're 4 and 5!!! They can say mud in 21 different languages, they go to the bathroom outside, they can explain composting and can do over 40 different bird calls! I am impressed and I want to join them! Hopefully this makes you smile!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Emotional Control
Dealing with a chronic illness and being away from school and friends has presented several challenges over the past year. There have been so many moments when my emotional state falls apart and I am left in a puddle of depression. People with chronic illnesses all experience this at some point but for me it began when I realized that my illness was really distancing me from those I needed most, my family and friends.
Last spring, when this “journey” began, my friends and I acted like nothing was changing. We would get together and they'd ask how I was and I'd lie and say fine or act enthused about my new diet and we would continue on like before. I thought that acting this way would make things easier for everyone, especially myself. Of course, as months passed and my body started becoming weaker from treatments I was no longer able to participate in the fast paced collegian world with my friends. I would still say I was fine – because I knew on the outside I looked like myself but my body was falling apart on the inside. I started becoming the “no show” at parties more and more, or I would have to leave early from activities to take a nap or avoid doing things all together because they were too strenuous. As these situations continued to go on many people, friends, became frustrated with me. I heard the “you’ve really changed” line, I was told that I was being foolish for isolating myself, and worst of all I was called a horrible friend. As everyone reacted to my “new self” in his or her own ways I became emotionally distraught. For months I dealt with anger and bitterness towards everyone around me. How could they not understand what I was going through? Where was my sympathy, my support? I felt like everyone was fleeing my side because I was no longer able to do fun things. I felt completely isolated from who I once was.
In all honesty, I am still dealing with a lot of bitterness. It is so hard to think of a year ago, or two years ago when I was able to stay up all night and drink wine and laugh with everyone. I miss friends. I miss college. I miss being able to walk up Morton Hill without feeling like I’m going to die. But I can’t sit around and feel sorry for myself any longer. I don’t have energy for that! So I want everyone to know that I know that I’ve changed, and trust me it’s been hard. But here I am. This is the new me and maybe it’s not the exciting 21-year-old life that I once had in mind. But why should I regret something that I can’t change? I’m doing my best to expand my mind and to let go of things. To do that though I need some help: help me embrace life and the new things I’m learning about my body. Support my excitement about books and movies and taking naps with friends and eating kale chips. And I will enjoy watching everyone as they have fun rock-climbing and dancing and going out – and hopefully I can participate again sometime in the future because I cannot wait to be healthy and to live a full life. And I will. But I can’t let people get to me, I can’t sit here feeling like I’m missing out everyday or like I’m isolated from the rest of the world. I understand that these thoughts and actions (or reactions) are my own and I always have the ability to grow from them and the power to change them. So cheers to embracing each other! For whoever it is we are and for whomever we may become in the future!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Kale Chips
Kaia foods stopped carrying the kale chips that I like so I had to find a new brand. Since my diet is so limited, this was a major downer. Luckily, New York Naturals nailed the recipe for my salt and vinegar kale chips! If you want a salty snack I recommend looking into these! They are healthy and raw (meaning they are dehydrated, not cooked) so they keep all of their natural vitamins and minerals and they are truly delicious!!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
25 LBS!
John and I were in Kroger a few weeks ago and found this 25 lbs bag of carrots! I wish I had the time and energy to juice them all! Also, this is my first posted video using my new flip (thanks Gina & Melissa) so look out for more videos to come!
Green Smoothie
I want to share a delicious and healthy smoothie that I discovered about a year ago from Victoria Boutenko (a raw foodist). I made one almost every morning last summer but I got out of the habit during all of this craziness - so today marks the return of good green habits!
Ingredients: Spinach, Avacado, Mint, Pear, Coconut Water (sometimes I add kale or dandelion for extra kick)
Ingredients: Spinach, Avacado, Mint, Pear, Coconut Water (sometimes I add kale or dandelion for extra kick)
Blend together!!
And Voila!
Don't be afraid of the green color! It really is delicious! mmmmm!
Think of all the good vitamins you're getting - what a way to start the morning!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Instant Comfort
Wouldn't it be nice to have one of these in your pocket at all times? So cute.
I hope everyone is having a good day! Yay Sunshine!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Take a Minute.
Today is just one of those days where nothing seems to go right. The ones where you don't get to sleep long enough and then throughout the day you continue to hear bad news. So I propose that we take a minute to send prayers, or positive thoughts, or meditating wisdom, or love, or whatever it is you want to send today to everyone you can think of. Friends and family, anyone that might be having a rough day, even strangers on the street that look like they could use a pick me up.... think of them and wish for the best. And if you still have room after all of that, send some love to John's family and to my friends Taylor and Grace as they are all having a rough week.
"Love and Kindness. That's all there is"
"Love and Kindness. That's all there is"
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Words Of Wisdom
I wanted to take a minute to share with you how important it has been for be to receive messages, emails, letters, packages, text messages and everything else from my friends and family. Recently I was thinking about support and how difficult it is for people to be there day after day, week after week, month after month, for someone with a chronic illness. It's so much easier when someone has something like surgery and the recovery is only a week or two - people can stick around for that. So I wanted to say thank you to everyone that continues to stand by my side even after all this time. When you make a comment on my blog, or send me a letter or even a simple text - it makes my day easier and reminds me that I have people I can turn to. Lately, especially this month, I feel like I am very far away from my "real life". I can't believe I have been a part time student for over a year, living at home for 11 months - away from the friends, school and town that I came to adore. Of course, I have a wonder family and a few friends that are home with me but even they have felt my isolation as my health has declined over the past year.
With all of that said I really wanted to thank you all again for being there for me. This past week, as my next IVIG was rapidly approaching (and my anxiety growing and growing) people sent me so many supportive words, pictures and packages and it was an enormous help to my mental state. One thing that stood out and is worth sharing, are a few wise words from a simple text that I received that said this:"I won't say "be strong" because you already are an incredibly strong and dynamic woman. instead I will say "know your strength." Right when I was thinking I was going to loose it these words reminded me that I have come so very far already. Yes, I do have more obstacles to overcome but with the love and support I am receiving and the progress that my doctors have made I know that "we are closer than ever."( That last quote is something I hear quite often, from John, when I need a pick-me-up)
With all of that said I really wanted to thank you all again for being there for me. This past week, as my next IVIG was rapidly approaching (and my anxiety growing and growing) people sent me so many supportive words, pictures and packages and it was an enormous help to my mental state. One thing that stood out and is worth sharing, are a few wise words from a simple text that I received that said this:"I won't say "be strong" because you already are an incredibly strong and dynamic woman. instead I will say "know your strength." Right when I was thinking I was going to loose it these words reminded me that I have come so very far already. Yes, I do have more obstacles to overcome but with the love and support I am receiving and the progress that my doctors have made I know that "we are closer than ever."( That last quote is something I hear quite often, from John, when I need a pick-me-up)
(and laugh)
Stumbled upon this wonderful book a while ago but I just found it again and loved it even more! Take a minute and read through it- it will take five minutes at most! It is beautiful and inspiring and cute cute cute!
Here is the link: An Awesome Book!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Update about IVIG #2
I just wanted to take a minute to update you on what has been going on. I was supposed to have treatment (IVIG #2) this past Friday but was still experiencing side effects from the first one and made a decision not to do it. We have been talking to the immunologist every week on the phone and she keeps assuring me that the next one wouldn't be as severe: she planned on adding more fluids, steroids to help with any inflammation that would occur, and a much slower infusion rate. Although all of these things sounded helpful, my anxiety continued to grow. The past two weeks my emotions have been haywire and I felt like I wasn't ready, mentally or physically, for another attempt at an IVIG. As this fear grew, my Mom and I started talking to my primary doctor about what she would do. Although, she did not know why my body was reacting in this way she did feel that my IV should be delayed until I felt better or my headaches were under control. With this advice, and a ton of personal research, I called it off.
I am happy to tell you that I am out of the house, sitting on my computer at a coffee shop, finally having relief from my severe headache and feeling a little bit more like myself. Unfortunately, feeling like myself also comes with my fevers and fatigue that have returned in full throttle. Of course I am frustrated that I can't catch a break right now but I know we are going to work this week to make a decision. We are looking into changing the IVIG brand or possibly doing SubQ injections which are smaller, more frequent injections of IgG that come with few side effects (but are a lot more work and more costly). Ultimately, the decision is up to me- which is terrifying because I don't know what is right. I wish someone would glimpse into the future really quickly and let me know which door to open. I'm sure I will take all of my doctors advice to heart and we will get me fixed up in the foreseeable future- I just hope months like this come few and far between.
I will do my best to let you know my decision and the new treatment dates as soon as I know! Keep me in your thoughts because your support has been so helpful to my mental state. Thank you!!
I am happy to tell you that I am out of the house, sitting on my computer at a coffee shop, finally having relief from my severe headache and feeling a little bit more like myself. Unfortunately, feeling like myself also comes with my fevers and fatigue that have returned in full throttle. Of course I am frustrated that I can't catch a break right now but I know we are going to work this week to make a decision. We are looking into changing the IVIG brand or possibly doing SubQ injections which are smaller, more frequent injections of IgG that come with few side effects (but are a lot more work and more costly). Ultimately, the decision is up to me- which is terrifying because I don't know what is right. I wish someone would glimpse into the future really quickly and let me know which door to open. I'm sure I will take all of my doctors advice to heart and we will get me fixed up in the foreseeable future- I just hope months like this come few and far between.
I will do my best to let you know my decision and the new treatment dates as soon as I know! Keep me in your thoughts because your support has been so helpful to my mental state. Thank you!!
I was stumbling around on the world wide web last week and I found this youtube video- this boy without arms (born this way) is amazing and can do anything and everything. Gave me some inspiration and I wanted to share it with you all.
Here is the link to YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfL2U0BJ48g
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day!!!
I am appreciating this holiday so very much today- my mama has been my rock through all of this and I am happy that there is a day to admire her and all that she does.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Mom's Blog
Here is a link to my mom's blog where she has been documenting everything that has been going on with my health. It may be helpful for those of you that feel uninformed sometimes- especially when I am not feeling well enough to blog! It also gives a little more of a realistic perspective of what is going on. You have to enter your email address to get access but I promise it won't send you any junk mail!
Anyway, here it is!
Anyway, here it is!
3 Days Until IVIG #2
The countdown is getting so close to my 2nd IVIG. I must say, I am incredibly anxious. I'm pushing the doctors to change the brand of Immunoglobulin so that the IV doesn't have any sucrose in it (apparently most of them do and can be a major cause for headaches). I'm hoping they'll listen to me because going through this month again sounds completely dreadful.
I'm so appreciative to everyone who has been sending me positive thoughts- thank you. Times like these would be impossible without you.
Now, let's see if I can finish up some homework (finally able to look at a computer screen without getting an instant migraine!). Ya-hoo! I'll take what I can get!
I'm so appreciative to everyone who has been sending me positive thoughts- thank you. Times like these would be impossible without you.
Now, let's see if I can finish up some homework (finally able to look at a computer screen without getting an instant migraine!). Ya-hoo! I'll take what I can get!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Week 3
It's almost been three weeks since my first IVIG and my body still feels like it's fighting a battle. I am having a headache that never subsides (regardless of holistic, natural or western techniques), body aches, fever, restlessness, upset stomach and just plain blah feeling all the time. My mom and I have been talking to the immunologist and my primary doctor non-stop and we have decided that the cause must be inflammation. Just in case, I did tests for viruses that could be causing these symptoms - part of me hopes it's a virus and not a side effect from the IVIG and the other part of me hopes it's not a virus because, come on, can I really take much more? Either way I know that the doctors are doing everything they can for me and until this pain and fatigue subsides I just have to lay low and watch movies. The worst part is that being on the computer bugs my head - so blogging and schoolwork is not getting done.
My next IVIG is on May 6th - so about 9 days - and I am truly nervous. Everyone is saying that the side effects should be much milder and I hope their right. I'm missing everyone at school right now- as spring brings Athens nice weather and everyone is busy with midterms and such- wishing I could trekk up Morton to the library.
On a good note- my Mom took this picture during a doctors visit this week. They let me do the swabbing for viruses myself and I was very excited!!! The nurse certainly got some laughs at us :)
My next IVIG is on May 6th - so about 9 days - and I am truly nervous. Everyone is saying that the side effects should be much milder and I hope their right. I'm missing everyone at school right now- as spring brings Athens nice weather and everyone is busy with midterms and such- wishing I could trekk up Morton to the library.
On a good note- my Mom took this picture during a doctors visit this week. They let me do the swabbing for viruses myself and I was very excited!!! The nurse certainly got some laughs at us :)
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Happy Earth Day!
I hope everyone is outside enjoying earth day!!! Truly one of my favorite holidays!!! (P.S. it's 70 degrees here? I didn't think it was possible! Thank you mother earth!)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Finally feeling a little better
It's been 12 days since my first IVIG and things have been rough. Luckily the past two or three days have been a little easier. I still have my moments of fatigue, headache and body pain but nothing as horrible as last week. I came down to Athens earlier this week so I could catch up on exams and papers. So far everything has gone smoothly. Just wanted to let you know that I am alive and functioning!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
(and laugh)
For those of you who have known me for a while- you should know that I have a slight obsession with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Today on youtube I found this clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Sfdax1MBK4&feature=youtu.be and man am I excited. It looks like after the Governor's term he will take on a new task of becoming a comic book and TV show star!!! Pumped!!
be well (acupuncture)
I am now on day five since my first IVIG and things are slowly getting better. I am still dealing with a serious headache and body pain but nothing comparable to the other night. I decided to try something new to help with the pain and made an appointment to see an acupuncturist. Upon arriving we went over my health history and then I was given a short consultation about the history and purpose of acupuncture along with what to expect. Next he did a body scan with a machine to see how my "chi" or energy was balanced. I was all over the place with only 4 of my 12 "chi's" showing up as stable. Next he placed several needles in my fingertips, feet, and ear - then I laid peacefully for a half an hour with the needles in place. After that he took the needles out and he said it could take a few treatments to feel relief. I'm already noticing I feel a little bit better. My headache is much more tolerable and my muscles aren't nearly as tight as before. I hope it lasts - I have a follow up appointment on Friday. Who knows, maybe this will be a wonderful thing to add to my regime! It's important to consider alternative treatments for healing and comfort.
Here is a picture of the acupuncture points- there are so many!!!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
be well. (watermelon)
Today my mom picked up some watermelon from the market and I am so excited. It is one of my favorite summertime foods! It is so beneficial for our bodies - it keeps us hydrated, provides us with a huge amount of vitamin c. It is also said to help people suffering from asthma, colon cancer and arthritis. It's packed full of antioxidants which help balance the free radicals in our bodies. Free radicals increase inflammation and can impact things like arthritis, asthma, etc... Watermelon is also high in Lycopene which is known to help prevent cancer and it allows our cells to get the most amount of oxygen (we need a lot of oxygen for our cells). My favorite part of watermelon is that it's full of B vitamins which gives us energy!
Scientific name: Citrullis lanatus
A New Twist: Watermelon mixed with thinly sliced red onion, salt and black pepper makes a great summer salad!
Monday, April 11, 2011
chiro straightened me out
Went to the chiropractor and got a little relief. Thought you guys might enjoy this picture! He is using a tapper to help out with my headache.
(Photo Credit: Mama Bear)
(Photo Credit: Mama Bear)
why is this happening?
My Mom just got off the phone with the Immunologist who prescribed my IVIG treatments. We are going to take every precaution we can for the next treatment so hopefully this post treatment misery can be avoided. First we are going to slow down the rate of the infusion, and add IV fluids for increased hydration. I am going to double my water intake the day before, the day of, and the day after. I am going to take medications and supplements before, during, and after treatment to hopefully prevent another migraine or this miserable feeling (I swear I got in a car accident and didn't know it). I still feel pretty lousy.
We are reading everything we can about PIDD and IVIG – I've probably gone so long without antibodies it will take time for my chronic state of infection to get under control with new antibodies. I hope they're in there doing there job!
On my way to the Chiro now to get some relief? (fingers crossed)
three days after
It's been three days since my first IVIG and things are still pretty blah. I am so achy and my headache is still lingering. Ice and Advil have been helping. I am taking massive amounts of calcium and magnesium – I want the pain to disappear. I am supposed to take my first exam this week for one of my online classes and am not sure if I will be able to. bummed. I hope I start to feel signs of something positive – come on antibodies “do your magic”. I'm also hoping to go to a wedding next Saturday – I hope I feel well enough to go. aye aye aye.
Feeling miserable…could use a laugh.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
be well. (avocado)
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