I have dealt with digestive issues my entire life. As a baby I was always getting sick to my stomach and this continued into my elementary years. After eating I would always curl up and hold my stomach and often had a hard time going to the bathroom. At age 11 I was diagnosed with lactose intolerance, which stopped the frequent vomiting but continued to deal with constipation, bloating and continuous discomfort in my stomach. In High School I played around with several diets and became extremly conscious about what kind of foods I put into my body. Even with this caution my discomfort continued. Finally, in college I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease and went Gluten Free. After several months of eating gluten free there was only a slight change in my stomach problems - we were told to look into a diet called the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD). This was invented in the 1960's by a mother who's daughter was suffering from Chron's Disease. After being told by several doctors that there was no other options except to remove part of the colon she set out on finding an easier cure. This diet has changed the lives of thousands of people dealing with Celiac, Chron's or digestive problems in general - including me!

(There are thousands of SCD recipe's -
I learned how to make SCD lemon bars! Mmmm!)
Please take time to look into this diet. It requires a commitment and some research but it is worth it!! You can heal your body and not have to worry about stomach pain every single day.
Here is the link to the main website:
And here are some wonderful blogs:
**If you need any other information, have any questions or just need support - PLEASE feel free to contact me at meggfire@yahoo.com