Wednesday, April 13, 2011

be well (acupuncture)

I am now on day five since my first IVIG and things are slowly getting better.  I am still dealing with a serious headache and body pain but nothing comparable to the other night. I decided to try something new to help with the pain and made an appointment to see an acupuncturist. Upon arriving we went over my health history and then I was given a short consultation about the history and purpose of acupuncture along with what to expect. Next he did a body scan with a machine to see how my "chi" or energy was balanced. I was all over the place with only 4 of my 12 "chi's" showing up as stable. Next he placed several needles in my fingertips, feet, and ear - then I laid peacefully for a half an hour with the needles in place. After that he took the needles out and he said it could take a few treatments to feel relief.  I'm already noticing I feel a little bit better. My headache is much more tolerable and my muscles aren't nearly as tight as before. I hope it lasts - I have a follow up appointment on Friday. Who knows, maybe this will be a wonderful thing to add to my regime! It's important to consider alternative treatments for healing and comfort.

Here is a picture of the acupuncture points- there are so many!!! 

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