Sunday, January 22, 2012


Sorry I have been missing in action! Everything has been so crazy. 

First of all, lets talk about how I got through one quarter of school successfully!?! Wooo! I can't  believe it but it happened. 

Then came Winter break.... which was not as successful. My body and I do not enjoy the winters that come with living in Ohio! Every cold, flu, and germ that went around during my six weeks off found me - and kept me in bed. 

Then on January 3rd I started my second quarter back at school and this time I am a FULL time student again. SO SCARY. It is kicking my butt. I have been sick sick sick the past week - my lovely combo of inflammation & migraines came back for a visit and I was so miserable. I was in bed from this past Sunday until Friday. I missed so many classes and assignments and I am so stressed out! My main source of stress is dealing with professors - they think every college student is trying to take advantage of them - and they do not take me seriously. They know that I have a chronic illness and they know that I have the schools support which means I get extra time, etc on assignments when I'm sick - but apparently they don't understand? I hate confrontation so this is not my favorite thing to deal with at school. Another thing that makes being sick difficult right now is that my diet is so strict that I have to pretty much cook everything for myself - I can't eat prepackaged soups or meals - and cooking when you're sick consumes all your energy! One day I will figure out how to balance everything! 

Good news: During my time off I did some experimenting with coconut flour - so there will be some recipes and info to come about that! mmm! 

Side note: Thanks to everyone who has been so sweet and supportive. your simple gestures has helped me stay positive through all of this (especially this past week).

Also, my orchid bloomed again over break - it is so good for the heart to watch plants grow!

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